Hearing Aid Fitting

Why Choose GMT Hearing Aid Fitting Specialists for Your Hearing Aid Needs

     I.        Introduction:

When it comes to treating hearing loss, it is crucial to have a professional and experienced audiologist to guide you through the process. Selecting and fitting a hearing aid can be complex and overwhelming, especially for those new to the experience. That’s why it’s essential to have a trained professional to help you navigate the different options and make the best decision for your specific needs, lifestyle and budget.

GMT Hearing Aid fitting specialists are trained to assist individuals with hearing loss in selecting the right hearing aid for their specific needs. They understand that each person’s hearing loss is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. They will take the time to understand your hearing loss, lifestyle, and budget and recommend the best hearing aid options for you. They will also consider your personal preferences, such as the size and style of the hearing aid, and any specific features you may need, such as noise reduction or Bluetooth connectivity.

GMT Hearing Aid fitting specialists also understand that it’s not just about selecting the right hearing aid but also ensuring that the hearing aid fits comfortably and is programmed correctly. They will perform a thorough hearing aid fitting to ensure that your hearing aid fits comfortably and is programmed correctly to enhance your hearing function. They will also teach you how to properly use and maintain your device and provide specific treatment advice and follow-up care.

   II.        Why choose GMT Hearing Aid Fitting Specialists?

Audiologist in Potsdam, NY

  • Our practice is staffed with experienced professionals, including audiologists.
  • We provide a variety of services, from hearing evaluations to picking out the right device for your needs.
  • Our audiologists are dedicated to serving individuals with hearing loss in the Potsdam community and surrounding areas.

Hearing Care Services in GMT, PK

Our team of experts offer a wide range of hearing care services to meet the needs of individuals with hearing loss.

Whether you’re getting your hearing tested for the first time or picking out a new pair of hearing aids, we will provide the assistance you need to improve your hearing health.

 III.        What Happens During a Hearing Aid Fitting?

A hearing aid fitting is an important step in the process of treating hearing loss.

It’s designed to ensure that the individual gets the best auditory experience from their hearing devices.

During a hearing aid fitting, the audiologist will make sure that the hearing aid fits comfortably, is programmed correctly, and that the individual knows how to use and maintain their device properly.

 IV.        The Steps of Hearing Aid Fitting:

Confirming Your Diagnosis

  • During the hearing aid fitting, the audiologist will discuss the results of the hearing function tests with the individual.
  • They will give them a better understanding of their hearing loss and how it will be treated.
  • The audiologist will also have selected the appropriate hearing aids for the individual based on their needs and will have them on hand for the fitting.

Fitting Your Earmolds or Earpieces

  • If the chosen hearing aid uses an earmold, the audiologist will place it in the individual’s ear to ensure it fits comfortably.
  • They will also take a measurement to confirm the length of the tubing that connects the mould to the hearing aid.
  • If the device sits inside the ear canal instead, the audiologist will select an appropriately sized earpiece and take a measurement to confirm the length of the tubing.

Programming the Hearing Aid

  • The audiologist will want to ensure that the hearing aids are programmed correctly to enhance the individual’s hearing function.
  • They will carry out a series of tests, known as real ear measures, to measure the volume close to the individual’s eardrum.
  • The audiologist will make adjustments according to the volumes recorded and the individual’s feedback.

Demonstrating Your Hearing Device

  • Once the hearing aid is programmed, the audiologist will teach the individual how to operate it.
  • They will explain the different settings, how to switch between programs, and how to clean and maintain the device.
  • The audiologist will also show the individual how to safely insert and remove their hearing aids and provide specific treatment advice.

  V.        Conclusion:

Regular hearing aid fitting is essential to the effectiveness of hearing devices. It’s important to attend them as frequently as the audiologist recommends to ensure that the individual is getting the most out of their hearing aids. GMT Hearing Aid fitting specialists are dedicated to providing individuals with hearing loss the best possible care and treatment.